Mir Solicitors have many years of experience in successfully assisting claimants who have suffered Personal Injury following road traffic accidents/ accidents at work/ slips and trips, and other incidents where someone else has been at fault.
We can help you understand and evaluate your claim. We aim to make the whole process as stress free, speedy and simple as possible.
A Conditional Fee Agreement often referred to as a No Win No Fee agreement is often offered to fund your Personal Injury compensation claim.
What is a Personal Injury Compensation Claim?
Personal injury describes any type of injury which has been caused to your body. Personal Injury claims often arise from road traffic accidents, accidents at work, trips or slips on the pavement (highway claims) to name but a few. There are two different categories of compensation (known as damages) you may be able to claim – General damages, and Special damages.
General Damages
General damages are compensation for the pain and suffering and loss of amenity (sometimes known as PSLA) which is suffered by the claimant and which is a direct result of the negligence/ breach of statutory duty of the Defendant.
Calculating the precise amount of money which will adequately compensate an injured person is not a science – and there is often a range of awards for similar injuries. If the matter goes to Court, the Court will consider matters such as the impact the accident has upon your life. This is where the experience of your Solicitor is invaluable.
Special Damages
Special damages encompass all financial or ‘out of pocket’ past and future expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Calculation of Special damages is much more precise. It could include loss of earnings, damage to property, medical expenses, money spent on travel, medical and prescription fees etc. Any expense reasonably incurred which can be directly attributable to the accident / injury can be claimed.
Who can make a Personal Injury Claim?
If you’ve been injured in an accident that was not your fault you may be able to make a claim for any personal injury suffered , and financial losses which are a consequence of the negligence/ breach of statutory duty.
If the injured person is under 18 year old, the court will require a “litigation friend” to claim on their behalf.
If someone close to you has died as a result of someone else’s negligence/ breach of statutory duty, we can help you access bereavement support as well as compensation for their wrongful death.
What we can do for you
- Free initial consultation help us understand your claim for injury.
- If we feel that you have a case, we assign an appropriate lawyer with the necessary expertise to deal with your claim.
- We will investigate and build evidence to back up your case.
- We will instruct an appropriate medical expert to prepare a report on the injuries suffered, and ask the expert to give a diagnosis and prognosis for the injuries.
- We keep in touch with you throughout, so you’re always informed.
- Finally, with your approval, we arrive at the best compensation settlement possible.
When can I claim
Strict time limits apply within which a claim must commence, therefore it’s important to speak to us as soon as possible about your accident, investigating your claim is often easier if you begin your claim for compensation quickly. Call our Personal Injury Solicitors today on 01274 371978 or Claim Online.
Car accident
Have you been in a road traffic accident, not your fault call one of our specialist Personal Injury lawyers on 01274 371978.
If you’ve been involved in road traffic accident and suffered an injury as a driver, passenger, motorcyclist, cyclist, pedestrian you could be entitled to make a personal injury compensation claim.
“Call our Personal Injury Solicitors today on ”
(01274) 371978 or email t.hanson@mirsolicitors.co.uk