If you are considering:

  • taking out or granting a lease of a commercial property;
  • assigning or subletting a lease;
  • a lease extension;
  • termination or surrender of a lease;
  • an application for consent under a lease (e.g. Licence to carry out works/ Licence to assign)

or have a query regarding your legal duties under a lease, Mir Solicitors can provide specialist legal advice to both landlords and tenants, usually at a fixed cost.

Our Landlord and Tenant specialists have a thorough understanding of the complex area of law, the drafting, amendment and negotiation of leases to suit Landlords and Tenants.

The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and other legislation can be a minefield, and we consider that in commercial lease transactions, the parties will benefit from professional legal advice.

We consider that it is critical to ensure that the commercial lease is accurately drafted and reflects the intentions of the parties, to prevent disputes occurring in the future, and the uncertainty of litigation and costs which the parties could incur if it isn’t.

“If you require assistance,
call our commercial property team today on ”

(01274) 371978 or email property@mirsolicitors.co.uk